Saturday, January 3, 2009

Goodfood in Italy Part 4: Colours of Siena

The story of Burnt Siena, changing light and colourful surprises

I was fascinated with the colours in this beautifully preserved
medieval town, as I roamed its red brick streets from morning
till night, fuelled by countless espressos.

Every shade of brown in the Crayola handbook are represented in
the historic Centro. Burnt Siena of course, and brown and sand and
rust and chestnut and reddish-brown and yellow-brown and sepia
and mahogany and ochre. What did I miss ?

Just look at the doors for example. Iron, wood, brass.
Brown, black, ochre. Inviting, forbidding, sombre, majestic.
Doors like these in every corner, most going back many
hundreds of years.

Red brick walls in twilight, lined with potted geraniums and more

And yellow and light brown walls with green shutters

And the sudden delightful bursts of brightness

Colours of everyday life in this Tuscan town

Thousand year old streets lined with buildings that
look warmer as the day progresses

And are simply beguiling at night

Watch the slideshow

" Siena's ancient buildings, timeless dwellings where I would love to
live one day with a window of my own overlooking the clay tiles and
the green shutters, I try vainly to understand wherein lies the secret
that Siena whispers and rings on and on in my ears as long as I shall live"
Jose Saramago
Goodfood in Italy series so far

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely images. A simultaneous testament to medieval European artisans and modern Japanese imaging technology, offering viewers in several nations an instant and astonishingly intimate window to the perambulations of a transatlantic wanderer.